We are delighted to be enjoying something of a renaissance to supply our natural finished boards, so firstly a great big thank you to you good people who bought them last year.Natural Grain finish Adult Short Board
As a result of your advice and feedback all our traditional “Dancin Dolphin”™ board artwork will be hand painted as shown on this original board, using original blended Yacht & Seaplane Varnish (Scrumble).
In essence returning to the traditional design on our steam formed, hand painted boards that our amazing historic machinery first made.
please do contact us for further information Contact
To Celebrate the refurbishment of our wonderfull 63 year old Cornish Electro Steam Body Board Press Heritage we produced these amazing “St Perran/Flag” series boards.
Unique design, blending the Union and Cornish St Perran flags and each board complemented with its unique tear off detail.
Strong yet Lightweight, Sustainably sourced 9mm 7Ply Okoume Plywood offers us the opportunity to marry the very best1960’s Surf Bodyboard Press with todays racing yacht spec. materials to produce incerdibly strong yet lightweight bodyboards.
High Gloss UV Stablised, finished in full colour resins that will look great for years.
Steam Bent, using our orignal vintage Bellyboard Press enables us to create your totally original shaped Bodyboard that will give a lifetimes enjoyment.
Hand Made, other than cutting out the basic board we take pride in finishing your board by hand.
Design and masking
Tear out masking being removed prior to dressing and compounding
Red P101 Resin being appliedBoards 6,7 and 8 of 20 showing unique “Tear Off”artwork
The build sheet, All our boards now come with thier original build sheet, this contains all the product manufacturing and design details.
So during the launch of our first “Flag Series” boards Heritage Flag Boards a celebration we were asked if we would produce a vintage looking VW themed Herbie “53” board as a birthday gift?
It was our first VW themed project and the board, now graces the owners Man Cave most of the year and the rest touring beaches in the UK and europe.
More images of bespoke and unique boards we have delighted in supplying are here Gallery
But if you are in the market for a unique and original gift and would like to explore your possibilities please do Contact us to discuss.
Sue's retirement Board
Number 73 London Bus,
We met Sue a recent retiree on holiday on Polly Joke beach, Cornwall.
She wanted to re-engage with her body boarding childhood and seeing our Herbie 53 board, asked “could we produce a bespoke similar style board but re-badged 73?”
For many years her daily commute had been courtesy of London Transports no.73 Red Bus
Well in future Sue would still literally be “Boarding” the no.73 but in an altogether more memorable way.
More images of bespoke and unique boards we have delighted in supplying are here Gallery
But if you are in the market for a unique and original gift and would like to explore your possibilities please do Contact us to discuss.Return to Home page
The Wedding Gift
This pair of mirror imaged Boards were made as a special wedding gift for a couple whose romance was triggered by a VW Camper restoration.
Finished with vinyl rather than hand painted, these Lightweight, Fast & strong boards honeymooned with the happy couple, touring Scotland with lots of wild shoreline boarding and camping.
More images of bespoke and unique boards we have delighted in supplying are here Gallery Or if you are in the market for a unique and original gift and would like to explore your possibilities please get in touch Contact
So if you are in the market for a unique and original gift and would like to explore your possibilities please get in touch Contact
More images of bespoke and unique boards we have delighted in supplying are here Gallery
or if you are in the market for a unique and original gift and would like to explore your possibilities please Contact us we look forward to your enquiry.
Without doubt one of the most rewarding aspects of my work is producing your bespoke boards, with that “special message” that acts as a reminder of good times. Whether you would like your “What 3 Words” or Geo location, printed on yours or maybe a name that links you to that special person place, event or moment in time.
Ok so we love and cherish our Cornish links, but hey surfing in England started in Bridlington just up the road from our East Yorkshire workshop.
To celebrate our own local heritage we have made a limited number very special “Dead Bod” Boards.
So, what is the “Dead Bod“ all about and why is it significant for us?
Original Dead Bod
Back in the 60’s when our Steam Press was invented and Fishing was the mainstay of the Humber Ports, Kingston upon Hull vied with Great Grimsby, most fish landings in the UK came into the Humber via the Distant water deep sea Trawling fleet.
These hardy souls and the heroes of my youth, spent 3 weeks at sea in the far northern Latitudes returning home for a “Three Day millionaires’ lifestyle and then back to sea before they knew it.
So, to maximise their shore leave, the crews would always want to arrive at the quay looking pin sharp, once in the calmer waters of the Humber estuary and the ship ready to discharge they would be scrubbing themselves up,therefore their progress to the fish quay was closely monitored.
As they sailed up river and passed the Alexandra Dock there was a large warehouse with its corrugated doors adorned with a massive stylised dead bird, on its back, legs pointing skywards complete with the legend “Dead Bod” written underneath.
It became so much more than a reference point, it became in fact a visual touchstone for the crews returning from the dangers and hardships of their work.
Well OK we don’t all face the hardships of the deep sea to earn a living, but once I see that cheeky image coming out, I know work is done for now and its Surf time again and cannot help but grin.
Although It is a visual representation of a very real Maritime event as witnessed by its creator Len “Pongo” Rood, its conception is believed to be largely due to the combination of three random elements,
Lens Saturday at work Boredom
The availability of an open tin of paint.
the inspirational memory of a truly hilarious moment at sea.
A fourth element of inspiration came from the Strickland Arms Public House we are told but cannot confirm.
What Len could not have foreseen back in 1960 was that 61 years later his Artwork would in turn become a truly authentic part of the City of Kingston upon Hulls cultural heritage.
The original corrugated Iron door artwork and full story are now forming part of the amazing Hull Bankside experience. www.humberstreetgallery.co.uk
So our Green and White prototype pictured above, are a professional specification 9mm, 7ply board carrying a hand applied plain white Hi Build Logo.
Given the time and effort to produce these super strong super slippery boards numbers are always going to be limited.
By Designing and producing a few high quality body boards using our 60’s original electro-steam press allows us the privilege of giving a “Nod” to surfing’s early roots in the UK and a definite “wink” to the culture of my home Port of Kingston upon Hull and and hope you are delighted with the results.
Each comes with its own bespoke build sheet which not only functions to validate the boards identity, but is most importantly a memory aid for myself for building and posting out.
Specification: –
Timber 9mm x 7ply Okoume marine grade sustainably sourced plywood from Fyne boat kits, Lloyds registered quality and sustainable supply chain www.fyneboatkits.co.uk
Preparation and final professional surface finishes -P101Clear, White and Green from Teal and Mackrill www.teamac.co.uk
Professional build guidance Dave Butler professional Boat Builder www.butlerboats.biz
Well, I’ve had this piece of Great Western Memorabilia on my wall for ever.
The bathers all appeared to be having so much fun….and not a wet suit in sight, that I thought why not have a Surf Classic™ version of a traditional timber plank board?
Build Brief
Reclaimed or sustainable hardwoods to be used
Must be the Lightest and strongest in class, finished weight only 1.72 kg
Must be formed on the Ken’s original 1961 Briereley Steam Press
Great in the surf and also a beautiful piece of surf Wall Art for the other 50 weeks of the year.
The initial board and its jig modifications have taken a little over 4 months to design and construct working at home outside my normal production schedule, and given me some fair challenges along the way ultimately great joy seeing it through to fruition.
This is its story
Modifying my venerable 60+ year old original North Cornish Electro-Steam Press to accommodate the bending of 30 pieces of varying strength hardwoods required us creating a larger timber infeed and re-designing and manufacturing an additional steam generator to provide the increased volume of steam now required.
In case you’re wondering the base Aluminium former used for the curve here is part of a Front-Line millitary aircraft fuel drop tank circa 1957and was re tasked in 1960 by the press’s original maker Top Bloke and gifted Cornish engineer Ken Brierley.
A defunct cold former served well for gluing the bead & cove strip planks
Timber snail cams gave lateral pressure and the strong backs hold the planks true whilst the glue cured.
After cleaning and sanding it smooth instead of the usual “Surf Classic™” Logo burnt in with our copper branding iron this special has a trademarked inlay.
Challenges along the way
As with all things experimental particularly when juggling those three critical elements of weight, strength and beauty, there is usually a shortcoming.
In this case, it was its torsional strength allowing the board to bend beyond normal limits along its axis.
The limited shear strength of the central 12mm Red Cedar plank was a possible weakness for axial strength with it possibly breaking along the grain under stress.
4oz Fibreglass was used to strengthen the board surfaces, this may have compromised its overall weight but as its initial weight was less than a kilo (942g) it still finished out at only 1.72Kg which is still less than conventional plywood boards of the same size.
The Future
We will be scaling up and manufacturing these boards in 2022 we think they will be a great addition to our range.
Designed and made our own Cauls (4 way clamp)
We will be sourcing and milling over 50% of our timbers for strip plank boards from reclaimed hardwood.
The Cedar and Mahogany on the prototype came courtesy of a school laboratory demolition and American Poplar strips are essentially offcuts from a professional Boat Builder.
Bespoke Cauls in use for the first time
Build Information
Timber 12mm Paulownia with Bead &Cove, 12 mm Red Cedar with B&C, 12mm American Poplar (Tulip Wood) with green and cream graining B&C
Sustainable timber and Fibre Glassing materials -sourced from Phil at Fyne Boat Kits www.fyneboatkits.co.uk
Preparation and final professional surface finishes -P101Clear from Teal and Mackrill www.teamac.co.uk
Glassing guidance from Dave Butler professional Boat Builder www.butlerboats.biz
Silver Paddleboards web site was a mine of information for designing the clamps.
Paul Fishers book “Strip Plank Boat Construction” ISBN :978-1-898909-18-7 has provided all the information we could have wished for and whetted our appetite for designing a proto hollow board that will provide additional buoyancy and open up life beyond the breakers (watch this space)
Thank you for taking time to view this article, please use the contact page for any queries or information you may require.