Consistency without Conformity

Surf Classic

Continuing 63 years of unbroken production of unique bellyboards.

Shaped on our original Cornish electro-steam belly board press.

We hand make High Quality, Attractive, Lightweight Belly Boards, that are Fast, strong, individually Unique.

With the result that these boards are possibly more Credible, Relevant and Pertinent today, than when gifted engineer Ken Brierly formed his first boards on this unique piece of surfing history in the 1960’s.

With their distinctive decreasing radius bend specifically designed for the Uk coast giving you optimum performance wherever you find yourself.

The fact that they are still putting smiles and laughter in the waves in 2023, 61 years later is testament to the fact they are the very DNA of UK wooden belly boards.

Given the high lifespan that these boards can achieve its always humbling for us to meet boarders into their 70’s and beyond still riding their original boards and looking just so cool.

Find out more about this artisan equipment here: Heritage

Given 6 week authentic production time that this Vintage Press demands , we cannot and wouldn’t wish to compete with the mainstream body board producers, who thankfully now are also gaining traction due to the general realisation of the negative environmental effects of polystyrene body boards and the environmental significance of using long lived, sustainable materialsOur Materials

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